8 Simple and Effective Winter Break Self Care Ideas for Teachers

Winter Break is approaching fast and to be honest, once it is here it will fly by. That is why it is important for you to take time for yourself. I have listed 8 teacher self care ideas for you to do over winter break. Use one, two or even all of these options to get your winter break off to a good start. Leave school and enjoy your break.

Self Care Idea #1: Leave School at School

I know as a teacher it is always easy to take school home with you to grade or plan over the break. I did this so many times and it actually ended up sitting in my car anyways. The bad thing is that it only added stress to my plate because I constantly thought about it being in the car. If you take this self care idea and use it, then it completely relieves the stress of school and clears your mind of school. Once you clear your mind of school it will leave you the ability to enjoy the break. 

Self Care Idea #2: Plan a Day With Friends

As teachers, we do not take enough time for ourselves. Whether you want to plan a dinner, lunch, or maybe even a shopping trip. Either way just plan something that you will enjoy. It is healthy to have time with those that can relate to us and help separate all while doing things that you love. 

Self Care Idea #3: Relax

Teachers are naturally very busy! We are always on the go, so it is important to take at least one day to truly relax. This self care idea will look different for each person. Some may choose to lay on the couch in jammies and binge watch tv, while others may want to go read a book or go to a spa. While some ideas may require doing more work and/or getting out of the house in order to do so, whatever you may choose… JUST RELAX!

Self Care Idea #4: Do Something for Yourself

If you are anything like me I feel amazing after going to the salon for a fresh haircut. I don’t know if it is the weight lifted off my head (literally), or if it is that my stylist just makes it look so good. I don’t know what it is but I always walk out feeling more confident than when I went in. This self care idea is great for your confidence. Maybe you’re not one that’s into something like so, and that’s okay! You may be more into getting a new pair of shoes because the ones you have now just don’t quite offer the support they once did.  Whatever may suit you best is the best self care you can do for yourself.

Self Care Idea #5: Do Something Festive

No matter where you are in the world you can easily find something to do for winter.  In the United States, you can do something like ice skating, baking cookies, or even driving around looking at lights. Whereas if you are in other parts of the world you may choose to go to the beach, or have a picnic, or attend a local festival. Wherever you may be try to do something during the season that will bring you joy. 

Self Care Idea #6: Go on a Walk or Hike

Nature is very relaxing, so a great self care idea is to spend time in nature. For some people going on hikes or nature walks are ideal, but if that isn’t your thing just simply go to a park. You can sit and relax, simply just walk around, or even do some bird watching. It is great for your body and mind to be outside and one with nature. 

Self Care Idea #7: Enjoy Time With Family

Teachers are very busy all the time and we forget to take time for our families. We forget to spend time with the kids because we are just rushing through day-to-day tasks. We forget to go see our parents or even our grandparents because we are always running around taking care of things for others. This self care idea will not only be great for you, but also your relative that is given the time for a nice visit.

Self Care Idea #8: Getting Organized

Get organized so that way when you come home from school each day there isn’t as much clutter in the room as there is in your brain. I don’t know about you but I feel such a sense of peace when I walk through the front door and things are tidy and in their proper place. Getting organized does not have to be a strenuous job. It could be something as simple as cleaning out the junk drawer or even rolling your towels a specific way. Whatever your version of it may look like, this self care idea could be something you didn’t even know you needed!

No matter what self care idea you choose from the list above just promise me one thing! You will take time to enjoy the break and do things you love!


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